Transportation Planning & Environmental

At Hg Consult, we provide a seamless approach to transportation and environmental planning, delivering innovative solutions that prioritize sustainability, compliance, and long-term success.

Our team of seasoned experts combines deep knowledge in environmental regulations and transportation systems to address the unique challenges of infrastructure projects, ensuring efficient and resilient development.

By integrating environmental considerations with strategic transportation planning, we help clients make informed decisions that align with regulatory standards while promoting sustainable growth. Our proven expertise ensures practical, implementable strategies that create efficient and environmentally responsible infrastructure to benefit communities for years to come.

Our Services:

  • Planning & Environmental Linkage (PEL) Studies
  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) & Assessments (EA)
  • Categorical Exclusions (CE) and permitting
  • Phase I/II environmental site assessments
  • Highway corridor studies
  • Statewide master plans
  • Freight & multimodal plans

All Services

Our commitment to customized service ensures that each project receives the attention it deserves, from concept through execution, fostering successful outcomes that benefit our clients and the communities they serve.

By integrating cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices, we help clients achieve their goals efficiently and responsibly.