69Express Design Build Project
Recognized as the largest design-build contract in Kansas, this joint-venture project involves a 7.25-mile corridor along I-69 in Kansas.

Project Manager
When complete, it will improve access and mobility and significantly increase safety for this busy four-lane highway. Improvements include: a new express lane in each direction from 103rd Street to 151st Street; a newly reconstructed interchange at167th Street; and new flyover ramps at Blue Valley. Hg Consult designed several non-standard box culverts and wingwalls, as well as over 30 retaining walls; coordinated the design and construction for over 20 utilities; designed over 6,000 linear feet of waterline relocations and 1,700 linear feet of sanitary sewer relocations and manhole adjustments. Construction began in spring of 2023 with the express lanes expected to be open to traffic in January 2026.